Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

All quiet in Barcelona

Barcelona has gone quiet as everyone has gone off to a holiday place for a rest. The city is no where near as busy and most of the shops won't open until the end of the month. The World Athletic Champs are on and I either listen through the website, or through the local english pub at the end of the road. We are going down to the beach soon to play some beach volleyball.
Talk soon.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Having fun in BCN

Ok, so my mate Matty is in town and we got around abit the other day to Tarragona, a town about 60mins train ride south of Barca. Some great Roman ruins as it was a major city in the ripe old days of Roman dominance. To the right you can see Matty and I before we jumped on the train. We are outside Gaudi's house on Passeig de Gracia; a very popular place for the tourists and their being one :-)
Below you will see why the Romans took Tarragona to be a stronghold. They could dominate the seas with the great views and perfect positioning on the Mediterranean. is nearly up and running, well the English version.
Cheers and whoever reads this...dont you have better things to do??? hahaha

Great Site